Leading with a Mission Statement and Core Values


Leading with a Mission Statement and Core Values

This module is special; it was the very first one designed by company culture expert Liz Trotter. It’s a true strategic activity because your entire company culture will be built upon the foundation you create using the tools in this module. What you are deciding is the foundation of all of your decision-making for your company. Take the time that you need to create something that is unique to you and your company. 

The module is available for instant download and includes

  • Mission Statement and Core Values for the Owner (video)
  • Mission Statement and Core Values for the Employees (video)
  • Implementation Part 1 - Hear from the Employees (video)
  • Implementation Part 2 - Hear from the Employees (video)
  • Mission Statement Exercises
  • Core Values Exercise Instructions
  • Core Values Exercise Cards
  • Core Values Exercise List

This is the toolkit developed and used by Liz Trotter, founder and owner of American Maid Cleaning in Olympia, WA. Liz is also a charter member of Cleaning for a Reason and a past board member of ARCSI.

This toolkit/module was first released as the January 2013 installment of the HiPEP: High Performance Employee Program subscription, then known as Culture Circus.

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