Lizzie Strohl
Core Coach

About Lizzie Strohl

“Create Something that I can Walk Away From!” I scribbled onto a piece of paper many years ago after a lot of thought and reflection. You might think this is about owner freedom and stress-free business management. While those are valuable goals that when I let myself, I can now pretty much have that now. This is not what it meant to me when I wrote it so many years ago.

I wasn’t trying to avoid working in or on my business and just have it run itself. I knew myself well enough, I’m a worker at heart. I love working, I love challenges and I love building and fixing things, especially when they are connected with people. I was setting a boundary for myself to make sure I was achieving my real purpose.

I was hyper-focusing myself to keep my eyes on my prize, which for me, is my people. This is the heart of what I bring to my coaching clients.

I’m here to help you take your cleaning business to the next level. To achieve your own specific goals and get you where you want to go! Over the years with trial and error and lots of amazing mentors, I have found and developed strategic ways to successfully grow and maintain our business to support our vision of what we wanted our life to be! Let’s do the same for you!

My approach is genuine and structured. I focus on both problem-solving and goal achievement by getting down to the root of the challenges that are holding you back using the following process

  • Identify Your Actual Goal and Purpose
  • Identify & Understand Challenges and Impact
  • Create a Plan to Overcome
  • Execute Plan
  • Evaluate Results
  • Continue the Process with guided support until you achieve your success

If you’re looking for a coach who combines expertise, and experience with genuine care, I’m here to help you thrive so that you can make your cleaning business get you where you really want to go! Let’s make it happen! 🙂

A little history: I started in this industry as an employee with my husband Drew for a janitorial company working an evening shift. It didn’t take us long to decide this was the industry for us! We purchased that company shortly after and began learning how in the world to own and run a cleaning company. This journey, from employees to business owner, has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, strategic growth, and the importance of balancing work with personal life. I’ve experienced firsthand the struggles of managing a business while homeschooling our daughters and maintaining our volunteer work. These insights have equipped me with practical strategies to help you achieve a similar balance and success in your own business.

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Our Certified High-Performance Coaches or Any of Our Core Coaches Are Here to Help YOU Grow!

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