The Roi of Employee Development

Get Ready For Two Full Days of Teaching & Fun!

Join Us in Fargo, ND at Trisha Lake’s Business For an Event Full of Fun & Teaching

Dates: 07/27 – 07/28 | VIP Day on 07/29

The ROI of Employee Development (Regular Ticket)


The ROI of Employee Development (Circle Member Ticket)


The ROI of Employee Development (Guest Ticket)


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You Don’t Want To Miss This Event

Join us for an exciting 2-day event exclusively for Business Owners and Managers co-hosted by Trisha Lake & TLC Cleaning. At our event, we have tailored two separate teaching tracks to meet your unique needs. The business owners will learn how to develop their management team, while managers will be equipped with strategies to develop their employees.

Excellent for your Company

The data and statistics are clear and plentiful that investing in employee development can lead to increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and higher employee retention rates– here are just a few.

Increased Productivity: Employee development programs help employees acquire new skills and knowledge, which they can apply to their jobs to increase productivity. As a result, companies can produce more in less time, which can lead to increased revenue and profitability.

A study by LinkedIn found that companies with a strong learning culture had a 46% higher employee productivity rate than those without. (Source: LinkedIn Learning)

According to the American Society for Training and Development, companies that invest in employee development see a 24% higher profit margin than those who don’t. (Source: ASTD)

A report by Gallup found that employees who receive regular development opportunities are 2.5 times more likely to say they feel productive at work. (Source: Gallup)

Excellent for your Employees

Higher Employee Retention Rates: Investing in employee development can help companies retain their top talent. When employees feel that their employer is investing in their growth and development, they are more likely to stay with the company long-term. This can reduce turnover rates, which can save companies money on recruitment and training costs.

A survey by the Society for Human Resource Management found that employees who receive training and development opportunities are 45% more likely to stay with their employer. (Source: SHRM)

According to a report by the Association for Talent Development, companies that invest in employee development have a 30-50% higher employee retention rate. (Source: ATD)

A study by IBM found that employees who are offered training and development opportunities are 80% more likely to stay with their employer. (Source: IBM)

Excellent for your Customers

Improved Customer Satisfaction: When employees have the skills and knowledge to do their jobs effectively, they are more likely to provide high-quality service to customers. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction, which can result in increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth advertising.

A study by Harvard Business Review found that companies that invest in employee training and development see a 16.7% increase in customer satisfaction. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

A report by Bersin & Associates found that companies with effective employee development programs have a 34% higher customer retention rate than those who don’t. (Source: Bersin & Associates)

What impact could improved employee retention rates have on your company’s bottom line?

…and how could investing in employee development help achieve this?

We all know that our ability to grow our companies is DIRECTLY related to our ability to retain our employees.

Here are some ways that investing in employee development can help improve employee retention rates:

Career Growth Opportunities

When employees have opportunities for career growth and development, they are more likely to feel invested in their job and committed to the company. This can result in higher retention rates, as employees are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Recognition and Reward

Investing in employee development programs can demonstrate to employees that they are valued and appreciated, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and a greater sense of loyalty. When employees believe that they matter, they find it difficult leave.

Increased Job Satisfaction

Employee development programs can help employees feel more engaged and motivated in their work by providing new challenges and opportunities for learning and growth. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, which can absolutely improve employee retention rates.

Improved Skillset

When employees receive training and development opportunities, they become more proficient in their job responsibilities and perform more efficiently and effectively. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and a greater sense of accomplishment, which can help improve employee retention rates.

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How would it feel to see your employees grow and develop both personally and professionally?

If you are like many of us, you find intense satisfaction in Seeing your employees grow and develop It can create a sense of pride and fulfillment, knowing that you have played a role in helping your employees reach their full potential. For many of the people who come to work in our companies, they feel their options are limited, that there isn’t a lot of hope, that they are not needed. You can be an integral part of changing ALL THAT!

Employee Development Programs create a multitude of benefits!

Overall, employee development programs can have a powerful emotional impact on employees, fostering a sense of fulfillment, loyalty, confidence, connection, and value. These emotional outcomes can lead to positive outcomes for both the employees and the company.

Do you want to create a culture of continuous learning and development within your company?

Personal growth

Employee development programs can provide opportunities for employees to learn and grow personally, as well as professionally. By supporting employees’ personal growth and well-being, companies can create a more engaged and motivated workforce.


By investing in employee development, companies can empower their employees to take ownership of their careers and contribute to the company’s success. This can lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce, as well as improved performance and productivity.

Continued learning

Employee development programs can help create a culture of continuous learning within a company. By encouraging employees to learn and grow, companies can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in a rapidly changing business environment.

Sense of purpose

When employees have the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge, they can feel a greater sense of purpose in their work. This can improve overall employee satisfaction and create a more positive work environment.


Employee development programs can provide opportunities for employees to be recognized and rewarded for their achievements. This can create a sense of pride and motivation, as well as improve overall employee morale and job satisfaction.

What impact could a more engaged and motivated workforce have on your company’s bottom line?

…and how could investing in employee development help achieve this? What if your TEAM was building and creating an Employee Development that was built precisely for your employees? Can you imagine the benefits?

Increased loyalty

When your team focuses on their employees’ development, it can foster a sense of loyalty and commitment to the company. Employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to stay with their employer for the long term and contribute to the company’s success.

Stronger connections

Employee development programs can provide opportunities for employees to connect with each other and build strong relationships. This can lead to a sense of community within the workplace, which can improve overall employee morale and create a more positive work environment.

Sense of fulfillment

Employee development programs can help employees develop new skills, gain new knowledge, and advance their careers. This can provide a sense of fulfillment and pride in their work, which can improve employee morale and motivation.

Improved confidence

As employees develop new skills and knowledge, they can become more confident in their abilities. This can translate into better performance on the job, improved relationships with colleagues and customers, and a greater sense of personal achievement.

Feeling valued

When your Team focuses on employee development, they demonstrate that they value their employees and want to support their growth and development. This can create a sense of trust and loyalty, which can improve employee satisfaction and ultimately benefit the company’s bottom line.

What could you do if your Team was building and developing your people? How much faster could you grow?

How much time could you have to do the things that are MOST IMPORTANT to you?
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A company well known to many of you was experiencing high employee turnover rates, low productivity, and a lack of engagement among its workforce. Of course, these problems were creating an environment where not only could they not grow – they began shrinking – scarily fast. The Owner recognized that investing in employee development could help address these issues – improving the company’s bottom line was really just a side-note at that point. Without getting the issues fixed, there wasn’t even going to be a company!

So, they started providing their employees with various learning and development opportunities, such as more intense training like the GBAC, The Professional House Cleaners training, and more. They invested in 1:1 coaching and training for their leadership team, and tuition reimbursement for professional education. The company also implemented a mentorship program, where employees could learn from each other and the more experienced people in their company.

At first, the Owner was very concerned about the cost of these programs, but they soon realized that the benefits far outweighed the costs. Tough at first though! The employees who participated in these programs became more engaged, motivated, and skilled. They were able to take on more responsibilities, perform more efficiently, and make a MUCH greater contribution to the company’s success. They wanted to – what a shift!

In addition, the company saw a significant improvement in its employee retention rates. Employees were more likely to stay with the company, which reduced recruiting and training costs. As a result, the company was able to save money while creating a more loyal and committed workforce.

But perhaps the most significant return on investment came from the improvement in the company’s bottom line. By investing in employee development from the leadership team to the newest cleaning professional, they were able to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance their reputation in the industry. The company also became a more attractive employer, which helped attract better talent and position the company for long-term success.

Today, they are a thriving company that has grown significantly in size and revenue. Their commitment to employee development has helped create a culture of learning and growth, where employees feel valued and invested in their careers. It’s a success story that could be YOURS!

Why Don’t Some Companies Invest in Employee Development?

There can be several reasons why some companies may not invest in their employees. Here are some of the main reasons:

Short-Term Focus

Some companies may prioritize short-term financial gains over long-term investments in their employees. They may not see the value in investing in employee development programs that may not yield immediate results. If this is you – think again! The long-term success of your company depends on your ability to keep your employees. Whether you hope to sell your company, pass it on to your kids, or live comfortably into retirement, investing in the growth and development of your employees can help ensure the long-term success and stability of your company.

Lack of Understanding

Some companies may not fully understand the benefits of investing in employee development and how it can contribute to their bottom line.

The Top 3 benefits of investing in employee development

There can be several reasons why some companies may not invest in their employees. Here are some of the main reasons:

Improved Employee Engagement and Productivity

Investing in employee development programs can help improve employee engagement and productivity. When employees feel invested in and supported by their company, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their work, which can result in higher levels of productivity. Engaged employees also tend to be more committed to the company and its goals, which can help reduce turnover and save money on recruitment and training costs.

Enhanced Skills and Knowledge

Employee development programs can provide employees with new skills and knowledge that they can apply in their jobs. This can lead to improved job performance, better decision-making, and increased innovation. Employees who feel confident and competent in their roles are more likely to take initiative, think creatively, and contribute to the company’s bottom line.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Investing in employee development programs can also lead to increased customer satisfaction. When employees have the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively, they are better equipped to meet the needs of customers. This can result in higher customer satisfaction, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, which can help drive the company’s success.

Fear of Employee Turnover

Companies may be concerned that investing in employee development will lead to employees becoming more marketable and leaving the company for better opportunities. It’s natural to be concerned about investing in employee development if you’re afraid that employees will leave. However, there are several reasons why investing in employee development can still be beneficial even if some employees choose to leave:

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Improved Employee Retention

Investing in employee development can actually help improve employee retention rates. When employees feel invested in and supported by their company, they are more likely to stay with the company long-term. Providing development opportunities can help create a more engaged and committed workforce, which can lead to lower turnover rates and reduced costs associated with recruiting and training new employees.

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Enhanced Employer Brand

Investing in employee development can also enhance your company’s employer brand. When employees are provided with opportunities to learn and grow, they are more likely to view the company as a desirable place to work. This can help attract top talent and position the company as a leader in the industry, which can lead to long-term success.

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Increased Employee Productivity and Innovation

Investing in employee development can help increase employee productivity and innovation, which can contribute to the company’s bottom line. Employees who have the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively are more likely to take initiative, think creatively, and make valuable contributions to the company’s success.

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Demonstrates Commitment to Employees

Investing in employee development programs can also demonstrate a company’s commitment to its employees. This can help create a positive and supportive work environment, where employees feel valued and appreciated. Employees who feel supported and invested in are more likely to be committed to the company and its goals.

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Lack of Support

Companies may not have the necessary resources or support to effectively implement employee development programs, such as qualified trainers or training facilities. This program is your answer! Learn all that you need to implement effective employee development programs that can help drive your company’s success.

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Cost Concerns

Companies may view employee development programs as expensive, and may be hesitant to allocate resources towards them, especially if they are struggling financially. In theory, this makes sense. But there are several ways to begin developing employees with a minimal cash output. Don’t allow yourself to get sucked into a scarcity mindset. Start today to build up your resources by building up your biggest one – your Employees.

Resistance to Change

Some companies may be resistant to change, and may prefer to continue operating in the same way they always have, without investing in new initiatives like employee development programs. Change is hard, no denying that! But times have changed and continue to change. If we don’t change, we will be left in the dust!

VIP Only Day

Trisha’s Lake House Getaway

After our 2-day workshop is done, VIPs get an additional day full of fun and networking at Trisha Lake’s beautiful lake house in Fargo, ND. We have planned lots of fun activities, including Jet Skiing, BBQing, and round table discussions. You’ll also get to network with like-minded individuals and brainstorm ideas to implement the wealth of knowledge you’ll acquire.

This event is a BIG deal, and we don’t want you to miss out. Join us for an unforgettable experience that will leave you refreshed, motivated, and with practical skills to take your business to the next level. Register now and get ready for 3 full days of action-packed learning and fun!

ONLY 16 VIP SPOTS AVAILABLE - Book Now Before They're Gone!

Join Us in Fargo, ND at Trisha Lake’s Business For an Event Full of Fun & Teaching

Dates: 07/27 – 07/28 | VIP Day on 07/29

The ROI of Employee Development (Regular Ticket)


The ROI of Employee Development (Circle Member Ticket)


The ROI of Employee Development (Guest Ticket)



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